In 2009 a number of like-minded people from the community came together to form a charity to support people diagnosed with and recovering from cancer. Central to this was a recognition of the need for a supportive and safe environment offering free psychological, emotional and practical support services to cancer patients, their families and carers. Led by a voluntary Board of Directors, Recovery Haven Kerry Cancer Support House opened its doors in 2010.
A range of services are provided free of charge delivered by a small staff team, professionals and a wonderful team of almost 70 volunteers.
Recovery Haven Kerry is one of 16 full members of the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) Alliance – a group made up of voluntary and charity organisations delivering support services directly to cancer patients and their families.
The Alliance advocates for, and supports, the development of integrated pathways between the cancer centres, acute hospitals, community cancer support services and primary care services. All members’ development is in line with the values of Sláintecare, seeking to provide assurance to healthcare professionals that these organisations are working to an agreed standard as set out in Best Practice Guidance published by the NCCP.
Being compliant with the Best Practice Guidance for Community Cancer Support Centres is a true mark of quality. It offers charities a yardstick to measure what they are doing against the standards required. As a result, healthcare professionals have more confidence in referring people to such services.