We are absolutely thrilled and honoured to announce that Recovery Haven Kerry has been named as one of 70 charities across Ireland to receive funding as part of the 2023 € . Thanks to both the public vote, and the vote of AIB employees, we are set to receive an amazing €31,500 in funding, which will be put towards the completion of our refurbishment at our premises in Tralee – which is due to open in the coming week – as well as the provision of supports for children and families impacted by cancer. Earlier this year, AIB asked its customers, the wider public, and colleagues to nominate charities that connect with causes that matter most to them and their communities. Over 16,000 nominations were received highlighting the immediate support needed for charities across Ireland. Speaking about receipt of the award, our manager, Gemma Fort, said: “The fact that both the public and AIB employees nominated us makes it particularly special because it means that the work we are doing in the community is being recognised, and we are making a difference. I want to thank everyone who voted for us and everyone who is involved in Recovery Haven, as well as AIB both locally and nationally. I’d like to particularly acknowledge the support of Stephen Stack AIB Manager locally.” To view the full list of charities awarded funding in 2023, please click here https://aib.ie/community/charities-2023TT